Tuesday, December 8, 2015

A Lollipop Moment

This week I watched various Ted talks on the Internet, in search of one that had some material that I was passionate about. I stumbled upon a Ted talk by a man named Drew Dudley from Toronto. Drew spends about six minutes talking about the importance of leadership in our lives today. He speaks of something called Lollipop Moments, where we may do something, or perform an action that we didn't realize would positively affect someone in the long run. They're the little things that we do to brighten people's days, whether it's smiling at them on the street, opening a door for a stranger, or just greeting someone passing by, all of these are examples of lollipop moments. In Drew's Ted talk, he goes in depth talking about his favorite lollipop moment on his college campus. 
Drew also raises many compelling arguments as to what leadership truly is. On of my favorite things he said was, "As long as we make leadership something bigger than us, as long as we make leadership something beyond us, as long as we make it about changing the world, we give ourselves an excuse not to respect it everyday for ourselves and for each other." Drew talks on, and eventually argues that leadership qualities aren't just reserved for the extraordinary, everyone has some inside of them. These leadership qualities can be brought out and used in your work places, schools, and homes. 
