Monday, August 24, 2015

Designing My Senior Year

Hey blog world, I'm Luke, this year I am exploring the world of Interior Design and Architecture.  When you think of design, what comes to mind? Patterns? Furniture? Buildings? Truthfully, every answer is correct! The world of design is endless. From the computer screen you're staring at right now, to the chair your sitting on, the room your in, and the clothes you're wearing, they have all been thoughtfully designed by someone with a simple vision: to create something others can enjoy. There are so many different realms of design, but this year, I am focusing on one of my passions, which is interior design. When I was little I would take time to admire the buildings in the city, or the materials used in a particular space, and I watched much more HGTV than I care to admit. And this year, I finally get to take all my admirations and ideas, and make them a reality. Throughout the next ten months of my senior year, I will be spending a few hours a week at ID/Architecture, shadowing designers and helping in any way that I can to complete their projects. I hope to gain more knowledge of what a career in interior design would look like, and if this is truly a path that I want to follow. Along with this internship, I will be focusing on reaching and achieving my academic goals of getting into my ideal college or university. My next few months will consist of college applications, visiting schools all over the country, prepping for the SAT, and even more college applications. In the midst of all the hard stuff, I will also be super involved in our campus here at Cal High. I was voted ASB President, and am very excited to help lead and contribute to our school and it's student body in many different ways by continuing to create the positive encouraging environment that we have on campus. This is a big and exciting year for me, and I'm stoked to be able to share it with you!


  1. Luke, I cant wait to follow your amazing journey through your blog posts! You seem like such a passionate person and I hope that you find interior design and architecture to be something that you want to pursue in the future. It is inspiring to see a person that is wanting to find what they want to do when they get older despite having such a busy schedule of college applications and even the task of ASB President. I want to wish you the best of luck and I hope you have an awesome senior year!

  2. Luke!! I am so beyond excited to see what you design this year!! Please take lots of pictures so I can live vicariously through you :) Your eye for details, passion, and bubbly personality are no doubt going to make this year an amazing stepping stone into the big things you will no doubt go onto do in the real world!

  3. Luke, you are awesome!! I think it's so amazing how you know what you want in life and are so driven to achieve your goals. You're very lucky to have found a passion and interest so early in life. You're such a well put together and driven human being and I feel like interior design suits you well! Can't wait to hear about all your discoveries throughout your journey and see how far life takes you!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Luke, I am so excited to see where you go with interior design! You are the sweetest guy and I know that if you put your mind to it, you will go far in life. Please post many photos on this blog because I do wish to see your designs!

  5. Luke, you made me realize how important design is to everyday life! This sounds like a fantastic interest for you and I would love to see some designs you make over the year! I can't wait to hear about your experiences!

  6. If I ever need an interior designer in the future I'll know who to call! Knowing the kind of person you are I am not surprised you enjoy interior design, with your creativity and leadership you can turn anything into a master piece. I'm so excited to be able to keep up with your progress AND enjoy you in leadership! Good luck Luke!

  7. Luke! I am so grateful that I have been given the opportunity to get to know you through iQuest this year. Your passion is clear and it permeates your life in such a positive way. You are such an inspiration to all of us who have the opportunity to work with you. Good luck in all that you do this year! I know it's going to be a great year for you. Shine bright! Mrs. Gagnon

  8. Luke! Words cant explain how great I think this is!!! Your passion and your drive inspires me and I think its so great how you're doing what you love! Cant wait to see your designs, Mr Prez! :)

  9. Luke! You are such an inspiration to us all. I remember the first moment I met you in 7th grade and knew we would have a friendship that would last forever. I was always so impressed by how smart you are and your leadership qualities. I am so happy you are pursing a passion you are interested in and hope it becomes the dream you are looking for! Stay amazing and I look forward to whats in store for you!

  10. Luke, You are an inspiration to all of us. I can't wait to see what you do this year with iQuest and ASB President! I hope you have a lot of fun at your internship. Good Luck!

  11. Awesome blog so far! So much of your heart and soul! I can't wait to hear more about the interior design part...and get your opinion on our kitchen design! You are an inspiration! Tia E :)
