Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Essential Question

"What's the biggest requirement in order to be successful in the hotel industry?"

The past few weeks I have spent researching this question, on how to be successful in the hotel industry. Going into the hotel industry, i want to have the most knowledge of what i can do to be successful. So I researched what the experts had to say about their routes to success in this ever changing and growing industry. Many had said the most important thing was experience, but my favorites were the ones who said that the way you treat your customer is the most important thing. Customer service is how travelers will remember their stay. If they have good customer service and communication, they'll come back to your hotel! Building relationships with people and making them feel welcome and at home, is vital to a great stay. Through all the expert's advice I read, I definitely learned a bit of what it takes to make it in the hote and resort world. 

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Personality Tests

This week, our class was taksed to explore who we are, and our personality. To do this, we completed a few personality quizzes. The first one was the Holland Code, my Holland codes were SEC and SEA. These codes match with a certain job field that you'd be best fit for. This test actually predicted pretty well for me, and said that I would be best fit in a business position or in some sort of Recrearion or Business Management. The second personality test we took was the Myers-Briggs test, which also gives you a code that represents a set of characteristics and traits. My code was ESTJ, which states that I am. "Efficient, outgoing, anylitical, systematic, dependable, realistic. Like to run the show and get things done in an orderly fashion." It's crazy to me how accurate these tests are! I definitely enjoy leading, and getting jobs done. 
I think these tests were useful to me, because they are more proof that I'm on the right path of study, and the right path in life.