Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Personality Tests

This week, our class was taksed to explore who we are, and our personality. To do this, we completed a few personality quizzes. The first one was the Holland Code, my Holland codes were SEC and SEA. These codes match with a certain job field that you'd be best fit for. This test actually predicted pretty well for me, and said that I would be best fit in a business position or in some sort of Recrearion or Business Management. The second personality test we took was the Myers-Briggs test, which also gives you a code that represents a set of characteristics and traits. My code was ESTJ, which states that I am. "Efficient, outgoing, anylitical, systematic, dependable, realistic. Like to run the show and get things done in an orderly fashion." It's crazy to me how accurate these tests are! I definitely enjoy leading, and getting jobs done. 
I think these tests were useful to me, because they are more proof that I'm on the right path of study, and the right path in life. 

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