Tuesday, February 2, 2016

 Bucket List

Luke's list of must do's before I die:

  • Go to Thailand
  • Hike the John Muir Trail
  • Learn to ski well
  • Give the perfect gift
  • Find the perfect guacamole
  • Travel to Japan with my dad
  • Run a half marathon in under two hours
  • Meet Taylor Swift
  • Go to the top of the Eiffel Tower
  • Travel to the Sydney Opera House
  • Learn Italian
  • Learn how to do archery
  • Do a triathlon
  • Go scuba diving
  • See they pyramids of Giza
  • Surprise someone
  • Be on a game show
  • Be an extra in a film
  • Shower in a waterfall
  • Learn to ballroom dance
  • Spend New Year's Eve in Times Square
  • Remodel my own home
  • Get a tattoo
  • Go on a Safari
  • Do Zumba
  • Go to all 50 US states
  • Live in a house with a huge tree in the front with a tire swing
  • Be on the news
  • Build a tree house
  • Hike the Grand Canyon
  • Visit the set of Friends
  • Attend my twenty year high school reunion
  • Attend my twenty year college reunion
  • Have something names after me
  • Memorize a book of the bible
  • See a tucan in person
  • Pet a panda
  • Be in a flashmob
  • Get hypnotized
  • Drive a Classic VW Van
  • Take my mom to the Ellen Show
  • Collect a postcard from every continent
  • Fly in a helicopter
  • Go to an Indian wedding
  • Learn to ice skate
  • Host Thanksgiving dinner for my entire family
  • Live by the ocean
  • Go ice blocking
  • Have a meal with Paula Dean
  • Get married to my true love
  • Walk my daughter down the aisle

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