Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Dear bloggers,

"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give."
-Winston Churchill

This year i have chosen a mentor at my school, who I can go to for advice and to talk about my experiences at ID/Architecture. Her name is Mrs. Fitch. I had Mrs. Fitch my 9th grade year for freshman health. The fact alone that she taught freshman health shows you just the dedication and patience this woman has, to deal with little freshman, teaching them about the human body. After being in her class for just only a few weeks, you could already tell how this lady was slightly different from most other high school teachers. Mrs. Fitch was a teacher that was so passionate about her students and their lives. She genuinely wanted to be there to help us out in our transition into high school. She created a learning environment where her students felt comfortable in her classroom, and were some what excited to be a part of the class. Aside from teaching, Mrs. Fitch was also the club advisor for FCA, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, a club that I was a big part of, and still am today. Quite possibly my favorite thing about her, was the fact that she was a teacher who was open about her faith in Jesus Christ, not only in our club, but also on our campus. Today, Mrs. Fitch is a counselor, and gets to interact with different students on a personal basis, showering her love on them daily. All of these qualities about Mrs. Fitch are some of the reasons that I chose her as my school mentor. I wanted to choose someone who inspired me by the way they loved on others. I hope to one day have as much passion and dedication in my future career as Mrs. Fitch currently has with hers. 


1 comment:

  1. I love that Mrs. Fitch is your mentor. It sounds like you two have an incredible relationship and friendship. I am so inspired by the reasons that you chose her to be your mentor as well. Mrs. Fitch is such a wonderful addition to the Cal High community. You are right in all that you write - she adds to much to our campus and truly enriches the lives of those that she comes in contact with.
