There's always something that we can improve on as students, employees, sons or daughters. But whether it's big or small, our imperfections or weaknesses are never something worth dwelling on. We should be taking those weaknesses and trying to build off of them. I think one of the most common problems people have these days is with time management. I know for myself, that I try to cram as many activities and things in my day as I can. Most of the time that doesn't work out the best for me. As a result of over planning for myself, I have learned how to improve my time management skills, and I've taught myself to value my time, and make every minute count. Making every minute of your day count, doesn't necessarily mean that you have to fill your whole day up with activities. It just means that in the times that you're not doing anything allow for a moment to reflect on your day, and why you're doing what you're doing. A lot of times we'll find that what were spending our day doing, we aren't really doing for us. We're just doing them to please other people such as our parents. In the big picture, this isn't our parent's life. It's our own! In order to successfully live our lives for ourselves, here is something that may come in handy during those hectic days:
"Luke's Top 5 Totally Handy Tips for Terrific Time Management!"
- Always plan ahead! Use a planner, or the calendar on your phone to help plan out your day, and even week.
- Keep your phone or any distracting electronic device on silent while working on important deadlines.
- Give yourself a maximum time limit for every task you have, once your time is up, cut yourself off!
- Prioritize! What is the most important thing you need to get done that day?
- Allow time for small breaks throughout your day, so that you don't overwork yourself and end up stressing out even more.
As an interior designer, there is nothing more important than time management. You're always tring to put out quality work, and constantly need to meet project deadlines. This past week was my first week at my internship. After just one week, i've already noticed how many projects everyone is juggling and working on in the course of just a few days. This simply showcases how time management certainly is a big part of nearly any profession.
“Time lost is never found again.” – Benjamin Franklin
I love what you wrote in this blog post, Luke. Time management skills are so important! If you ignore time management, it can cause undue stress. If you master time management, you can give yourself the gift of happiness. You have such a wonderful perspective on the skill of time management. 2 things I especially like that you wrote about are the time suck of electronics and the need to set time limits for tasks and then to move on so as not to spend a disproportional amount of time on one thing in particular. Great job! Best wishes, Mrs. Gagnon